Igor Koruga: Utirjen

Sreda / Wednesday, 2. 9.

 20:00, Lutkovno gledališče Maribor / Maribor Puppet Theatre


predstava / performans

Performans Utirjen se skozi preizpraševanje družbenega statusa pop in sodobnoplesnih ikon ter nove generacije sodobnih plesalcev in performerjev kritično loteva vloge javnega nastopanja v mediatizirani, neoliberalni, kapitalistični družbi.Utirjen je hibridno koreografsko delo, ki vključuje javno nastopanje, ples in video, in kot tako razkriva različne popularne retorike znotraj umetnostnega sveta ter reflektira trenutne pogoje za umetniško produkcijo, s katerimi se mladi ustvarjalci vsakodnevno soočajo.

Performans poskuša s kritičnim in analognim premislekom statusa omenjenih retorik znotraj širšega konteksta popularne kulture analizirati uveljavljeno in popularizirano podobo umetnika v današnji družbi ter vzeti pod drobnogled mesto umetnikove/umetničine (ne)političnosti v njej.

V formalnem smislu se Utirjen loti analize koreografije v sferi nematerialna forma – jezik, s čimer proizvede »koreografijo jezik« kot razširjeno formo odrskega izraza.


Konceptualna zasnova/izvedba: Igor Koruga

Dramaturško in koreografsko svetovanje: Ana Dubljević

Produkcija: Ksenija Đurović

Koprodukcija: Station Belgrade, Uferstudios GmbH / Berlin; Workspace Brussels & Rosas danst Rosas & PARTS / Brussels – v sklopu EU mreže Life Long Burning; Tala Dance centre & TASK program v sklopu PLATFORMA/ Zagreb;  Bitef Teatar/ Beograd. 

Finančna podpora: Ministrstvo za kulturo in informiranje Republike Srbije; Tanzstipendium Senat / Berlin; 

Zahvale: Nicolas Y Galeazzi, Charlotte Vandevyver, Barbara Friedrich, Nina Kurtela, Ana Vujanović

Igor Koruga deluje na področju sodobnega plesa in koreografije. Diplomiral je iz antropologije in etnologije na Univerzi v Beogradu, magisterij pa je pridobil na programu SODA (Solo/Dance/Authorship) Univerze za umetnost in HZT v Berlinu. Od leta 2006 je aktiven član beograjske iniciative STANICA – Servis za sodobni ples.

Osrednje področje njegovega ustvarjanja je aplikacija koreografije kot razširjene prakse in orodja pri interpretaciji družbeno-političnih fenomenov, ideologij in različnih družbeno-političnih in estetskih vidikov, ki pogojujejo trenutne načine umetniške produkcije in vedenja. Leta 2015 je na 19. Festivalu koreografskih miniatur v Beogradu prejel glavno nagrado ter nagrado kritikov.

Streamlined explores the role of public speaking within the mediatized, neoliberal, capitalist society by questioning the social statuses of pop and contemporary art icons and of the new generation of contemporary dance and performance artists. As a hybrid choreographic performance of public speaking, dance, and video, this work exposes different popular rhetoric’s within the art world, which reflect the current conditions for art production emerging artists are continuously faced with.

By critical and analogical requisitioning of the status of these rhetoric’s within the wider context of popular culture, the work aims to analyse a general popularised image of the artist within the contemporary society and the space of his/her (non-)politicality within it.

On a formal level, the work also analyses choreography within the sphere of immaterial form – language, producing a "language choreography" as an extended form of stage expression.

Authorship & performance: Igor Koruga

Dramaturgical/choreographic assistance: Ana Dubljević

Production: Ksenija Đurović

Co-production: Station Belgrade, Uferstudios GmbH / Berlin; Workspace Brussels & Rosas danst Rosas & PARTS / Brussels – within EU network Life Long Burning; Tala Dance centre & TASK program within PLATFORMA/ Zagreb;  Bitef Teatar/ Beograd. 

Financial support: Ministry of culture and information Republic of Serbia; Tanzstipendium Senat / Berlin; 

Thanks to: Nicolas Y Galeazzi, Charlotte Vandevyver, Barbara Friedrich, Nina Kurtela, Ana Vujanović

Igor Koruga is a freelance artist working in the area of contemporary dance and choreography. He graduated from anthropology and ethnology at the University of Belgrade and completed his MA studies at the Solo/Dance/Authorship programme at the University of Arts and HZT in Berlin. Since 2006 he is an active member of STATION – service for contemporary dance (Belgrade). He works extensively on the independent art scene. 

Igor is interested in choreography as an extended practice and tool for interpreting socio-cultural phenomena, ideologies, and various socio-political and aesthetic aspects that condition the current modes of art production and knowledge. He won the 1st prize and the critics’ award at the 19th Festival of choreographic miniatures in Belgrade.