Petek / Friday, 4.9.
20:00, Lutkovno gledališče Maribor / Maribor Puppet Theatre
Odlomek iz predstave / excerpt from the performance
Maša Kagao Knez: MOMENTUM, Avenija ujetih trenutkov
Avtorica in koreografinja: Maša Kagao Knez
Avtorska glasba: Murat & Jose, Irena Yebuah Tiran, Leticia Slapnik Yebuah, Tim Kostrevc, Damaris Potočnik
Asistentki koreografinje: Rosana Hribar, Jana Menger
Dramaturginja: Andreja Kopač
Oblikovalci kostumov: Jelena Proković, EA Kreativa
Producentka: Katja Somrak
Koprodukcija: Studio XXV, Cankarjev dom, KUD Baobab, Plesni Teater Ljubljana / Dance Theatre Ljubljana
Nastopajoči v odlomku: Dalanda Diallo, Maša Kagao Knez, Murat & Jose, Liza Šimenc
Soustvarjalci in nastopajoči celotne predstave: Dalanda Diallo, Gerard Diby, Maša Kagao Knez, Murat & Jose, Urša Rupnik, Leticia Slapnik Yebuah, Liza Šimenc, Irena Yebuah Tiran
Projekt je nastal s podporo: Oddelka za kulturo MOL, Francoski inštitut v Sloveniji
Premiera : 14. 9. 2015, Ponovitev: 15. 9. 2015
Avtorica Maša Kagao Knez v predstavi Momentum – Avenija ujetih trenutkov nadaljuje opazovanje lastnega in skupnostnega (so)bivanja. Avenija je gib, ki govori, glas, ki razgibava prostor, ki se nenehno gosti in spet redči, odvisno od količine energije, ki jo vanj pošljejo akterji v trenutku prisotnosti Drugega. Soustvarjalca. Gledalca. Gib in glas naseljujeta človekovo telo in v njem sobivata; kot srečevanje notranjega in zunanjega, tradicije in sodobnosti, preteklega in prihodnjega, v kar je ujet trenutek – zdaj.
Maša Kagao Knez (1978, Ljubljana), koreografinja, plesalka, gledališka ustvarjalka in pedagoginja se je z uprizoritvenimi umetnostmi srečala že kot otrok, skozi telo svoje mame, plesalke in koreografinje Jasne Knez. Maša se je izobraževala pri številnih mentorjih doma in v tujini ter leta 2006 diplomirala na šoli Georgesa Momboyeja za tradicionalne in sodobne afriške plese v Parizu. Septembra 2013 je diplomirala na Akademiji za ples v Ljubljani. Kot plesalka, igralka in koreografinja sodeluje tako z institucionalnimi gledališči kakor tudi z neodvisnimi producenti. Njeno pedagoško in koreografsko delo temelji na raziskovanju gibalnega materiala, v katerem se različne plesne tehnike ter gibalni motivi afriške plesne tradicije prepletajo, dopolnjujejo in preoblikujejo v avtorski plesni izraz.
Maša Kagao Knez: MOMENTUM, Avenue ofFrozen Moments
Concept and choreography: Maša Kagao Knez
Music: Murat & Jose, Irena Yebuah Tiran, Leticia Slapnik Yebuah, Tim Kostrevc, Damaris Potočnik
Assistant choreographers: Rosana Hribar, Jana Menger
Dramaturgy: Andreja Kopač
Costume design: Jelena Proković, EA Kreativa
Producer: Katja Somrak
Coproduction: Studio XXV, Cankarjev dom, KUD Baobab, Plesni Teater Ljubljana / Dance Theatre Ljubljana
Excerpt performed by: Dalanda Diallo, Maša Kagao Knez, Murat & Jose, Liza Šimenc
Performance created and performed by: Dalanda Diallo, Gerard Diby, Maša Kagao Knez, Murat & Jose, Urša Rupnik, Leticia Slapnik Yebuah, Liza Šimenc, Irena Yebuah Tiran
With the support of: Department of Culture of the Municipality of Ljubljana, French Cultural Institute Charles Nodier, Ljubljana
Premiere: 14. 9. 2015, Re-run: 15. 9. 2015
By creating the piece Momentum: Avenue of Frozen Moments, Maša Kagao Knez continues the observation of one’s own and our common (co-)existence. Avenue is the movement that speaks, the voice that moves the space, the space that keeps thickening and thinning – depending on the amount of energy emitted by the (f)actors in the moment of presence of the Other. The Co-creator. The Spectator. Movement and voice inhabit a human body and cohabit in it. Like the meeting point of the interior and the exterior, the traditional and the contemporary, the past and the present, which is also where the moment is captured: the now.
Choreographer, dancer, theatre maker, and pedagogue Maša Kagao Knez (1978, SLO) has come in touch with performing arts already as a child through the body of her mother, choreographer and dancer Jasna Knez. Maša trained with numerous mentors in Slovenia and abroad, and in 2006 graduated at the George Momboy Centre of Traditional and Modern African Dances in Paris. In September 2013, she also graduated from Dance Academy in Ljubljana. As a dancer, actress, and choreographer, Maša works for both institutional theatres and independent producers. Her pedagogical and choreographic work is based on the exploration of movement material that intertwines different dance techniques with movement motifs of the African dance tradition.