Poziv za študentsko nagrado MFRU / Open call for IFCA student awards


Z veseljem sporočamo, da bo Mednarodni festival računalniške umetnosti (MFRU), ki bo potekal med 2. in 10. oktobrom 2020, tudi v letošnjem letu podeljeval študentske nagrade.

Želimo, da služijo kot vzpodbuda za nadaljnjo umetniško ustvarjanje. Kot prejšnja leta bodo nagrade podeljene v sodelovanju s tremi izobraževalnimi institucijami – Akademijo za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje Univerze v Ljubljani, Akademijo umetnosti Univerze v Novi Gorici in Fakulteto za elektrotehniko in informatiko Univerze v Mariboru - ter Ustanovo Fundacija Sonda.

K prijavi vabimo študentke in študente, ki se v svoji praksi ukvarjate oziroma povezujete z intermedijsko umetnostjo. Glede na vaš študentski staž in s tem procesualno naravnanost del vsled študijskega procesa ter z ozirom na aktualno COVID-19 situacijo ne pričakujemo, da boste prijavili docela izgotovljena dela. Vseeno pa naj prijavljena dela-v-nastajanju že prikazujejo vsaj zasilno razvite koncepte oziroma nakazujejo smeri nadaljnjega razvoja.



Prijavite se na matični akademiji oziroma fakulteti pri profesorici oziroma profesorjiu, ki bo nominirala, nominiral dela: Sašo Sedlaček (ALUO UL), Peter Purg in Rene Rusjan (UNG AU), Jani Pavlič in Matej Koren (FERI UM). Če ste študentka ali študent in bi želeli prijaviti svoj intermedijski projekt, a ne obiskujete nobene izmed navedenih ustanov, se prijavite z e-sporočilom na mfru@mkc.si.

Rok za prijavo je 15. junij 2020.

*Mednarodni festival računalniške umetnosti si pridržuje pravico do nepodelitve nagrad v primeru neveljavnih ali nekvalitetnih prijav. Pridržuje si tudi pravico zmanjšanja višine nagrad v primeru številčne prerazporeditve nagrad ali v primeru zmanjšanja sredstev financerjev.


We are very pleased to announce that Student Awards will also be presented at this year’s edition of the International Festival of Computer Art (Mednarodni festival računalniške umetnosti, MFRU), which will take place from 2nd to 10th October 2020.

The awards are to act as an incentive for future artistic creation and, as in previous years, will be presented in cooperation with three educational institutions—the Academy of Fine Arts and Design at the University of Ljubljana, the School of Arts at the University of Nova Gorica and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Maribor - and Foundation Sonda.

All students whose practice focuses on or is connected to intermedia art are welcome to apply. Considering your student status and the processual nature of works due to the study process and with regard to the current COVID-19 situation, we do not expect to receive applications of fully completed works. However, the applied works-in-the-making should show at least provisionally developed concepts or indicate the direction of future development.


Applications can be submitted at the institution where you study to one of the professors who will nominate artworks: Sašo Sedlaček (Academy of Fine Arts and Design, University of Ljubljana), Peter Purg and Rene Rusjan (School of Arts, University of Nova Gorica), Jani Pavlič and Matej Koren (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor). Students who wish to apply their intermedia project but are not enrolled in one of the institutions mentioned above can do so by sending an e-mail to mfru@mkc.si.

The application deadline is 15th June 2020.

*The International Festival of Computer Art reserves the right to not present the awards should the applications prove to be invalid or of poor quality. It also reserves the right to reduce the sum of the awards in the event of more than three presented awards or reduced financial funds.