// SLO ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Pravljično je, ko srd zloveščih okoliščin poveže dobre ljudi in dobro glasbo. Ni bilo tako hudih časov, da se umetniki nanje ne bi znali odzvati, in tako je tudi v tej karantenski zgodbi. Dobrota in glasba vselej najdeta pot do tistih, ki ju iščejo. Na EP kompilaciji »Stereo Isolation« se prijatelji festivala Jazz ‘ma mlade na kreativen način odzivajo na krizo in nam iz intimnosti svojih glasbenih brlogov ponujajo edinstven vpogled v njihovo ustvarjanje.
Posnetki so organski, tukaj in zdaj. Nastajali so na več kot 20 lokacijah, po vsej Sloveniji in tudi v tujini, vokalisti pa svoja sporočila širijo v angleškem jeziku. Sodelujoči glasbeniki so naredili res izjemen izdelek, ki bo poleg obogatitve tvoje vinilne zbirke tudi neposredna podpora našim mladim umetnikom.
Namesto odra jim lahko ponudimo unikatno gramofonsko ploščo, vi pa jih lahko z nakupom njihovega izdelka tudi finančno podprete.
// Podprimo glasbo in glasbenike! /////////////////////////////////////////
// ENG ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
It’s really poetic when a set of dire circumstances binds good people and music during hard times. We have never had it so bad that a musician could not respond to it and this is basically the story of “Jazzolacija”, too. Good vibes and people always find a way to those who are searching for it. This compilation is a creative response that offers a unique look into the inner work of our musical friends from the “Jazz ‘ma mlade” festival.
The music on this product is organic and made with the concept of “here and now”. It was recorded in 20 different locations, two different countries and uses English to hopefully spread the artistes’ message further still. It’s a GREAT record that will not only enrich your vinyl collection, but also directly support our local artistes.
Instead of a stage, we can offer them a unique gramophone record, and you can also financially support them by purchasing their product.
// Support the music - support the musicians! ///////////////////////////
// SLO ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Kupi ploščo in podpri umetnike! Naročiš jo lahko kadarkoli čez spletno trgovino galerije Media Nox in dostavili ti jo bomo neposredno na domači prag, kamorkoli po Sloveniji.
// ENG ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Buy the record and support the artists! You can order it at any time through the online store of the Media Nox gallery and we will deliver it directly to your doorstep, anywhere in Slovenia.
// SLO ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Ni gramofona? Ni panike! Kompilacijo Stereo Isolation si lahko v sodelovanju s Streamarnico pretočiš ali preneseš iz večine glasbenih platform. Odklikaj na tvojega favorita in si zagotovi svoj izvod!
// ENG ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
No turntable? No panic! You can stream or download the Stereo Isolation EP from any popular music platform. Click on your favourite source and secure your very own digital copy today.
This too shall pass
// Besedilo // Lyrics //
Nina Korošak-Serčič, Sara Ester Gredelj
// Skladba // Music //
Nina Korošak-Serčič (bobni/drums)
Sara Ester Gredelj (vokal/vocals, klaviature/keys)
“V času vsega, zaradi česar bi na jok šlo tudi Kosovelu, sporočilo peresno lahkega groova še kako težko zadane bistvo: »Trust me, I don’t know shit, I’m just as confused and scared as anybody else.« A Freekind poskrbita, da si človek, skoraj ne more pomagati, da ne bi nabrusil plesnih čeveljcev in na njun beat odplesal eno usodi v brk.”
“These circumstances could make an artiste cry. But not this lot. The hard-hitting point rides feather-lite groove and seems to hit home: “Trust me, I don’t know shit, I’m just as confused and scared as anybody else.” But all that aside, it makes me wanna put on my dancing shoes and take Matilda for a dance.”
// O ZASEDBI ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Freekind. je zgodba, ki jo pišeta pianistka in vokalistka Sara Ester Gredelj ter bobnarka Nina Korošak Serčič. Že ime nakazuje filozofijo, po kateri živita in ki jo skozi glasbo delita s svetom. Svoboda in sočutje. Globoka besedila so podprta z groove glasbo, ki izhaja iz soula, R’n’B-ja in jazza. Glasbeniki kot so Noname, D’Angelo in Common so usmerjali njun glasbeni razvoj v to, kar sta danes. Pravita, da ju moč glasbe pripelje do neopisljivih občutkov svobode, ki jih želita deliti z ljudmi.
// ABOUT THE BAND //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Freekind. is a story written by the pianist and vocalist Sara Ester Gredelj and drummer Nina Korošak Serčič. Even their name indicates the philosophy according to which they live and with which they share their music with the rest of the world. Freedom and compassion. Deep lyrics are supported by groove music which originates from soul, R’n’B and jazz. Musicians such as Noname, D’Angelo and Common led their musical evolution into what they are today. They say that the power of music brings them to an indescribable feeling of freedom, which they wish to share with people.
There goes my heart
// Besedilo // Lyrics // Žan Hauptman
// Skladba // Music //
Žan Hauptman (vokal/vocals, klaviature/keys)
Vid Turica (bas/bass)
Pavel Čebašek (bobni/drums)
Filip Vadnu (kitara/guitar)
“Rezidenčni doktor Smooth dela z ljubeznijo, kirurško natančnostjo in občutkom za širino. V njegovi glasbi se človek izgubi, najde in odpluje proti planetu Pozitiva na lazy music marshmallow-u .... Prižgite ogenj, there goes my love! ....”
“Our resident Dr Smooth works with his heart and a scalpel-like precision. His songs make you forget, make you remember—and make you find yourself on a lazy musical marshmallow heading for planet “Pozitiv”.”
// O ZASEDBI ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Hauptman je diplomiran jazz pevec in samouk na klavirju. Zaključil je študij jazz glasbe na Kärntner Landeskonservatorium v Celovcu. Poleg tega se je na področju jazz glasbe izobraževal tudi v Bostonu pri legendarni jazz vokalistki Sheili Jordan. Njegova glasba je mozaik vplivov jazza, alternativnega R’n’B-ja, soula in popa. Prihajajoč album ima povsem bandovski sound z dodanimi zvočnimi efekti. Znotraj sproščenih groove-ov želi z odmikom od tipičnega aranžerskega in harmonskega pristopa sodobnih pop glasbenikov izstopati in odstopati od večine, hkrati pa poskuša z delčki vsakega žanra sestaviti svoj mozaik oziroma lastno podobo.
// ABOUT THE BAND //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Hauptman is a graduate jazz singer and self-taught pianist. He graduated in jazz music at the Kärntner Landeskonservatorium in Klagenfurt. He has gained additional knowledge of jazz music in Boston, studying with the legendary jazz vocalist Sheila Jordan. His music is a mosaic of jazz, alternative R’n’B, soul and pop. The upcoming album has an organic band vibe with added sound effects. With relaxed grooves he wishes to deviate from the typical arrangement and harmonic approach of modern pop musicians and stand out from the crowd, and at the same time, he tries to put together his own mosaic or image with parts of every genre.
To find a place
// Besedilo // Lyrics // Patricija Škof
// Skladba // Music //
Patricija Škof (vokal/vocals)
Tilen Beigot (kitara/guitar)
Tibor Pernačič (saksofon/saxophone)
“Tri duše, dve dnevni sobi, čebula vesolji in mnogost potovanj. Dobrodošli na poti skozi glasbeno vesolje ptic, ki brezskrbno letijo nekam v neznano. ”
“Three souls, two living rooms, layers of universe and a seemingly endless journey through the self. Welcome to a musical journey of birds, gently sailing into the unknown.”
// O ZASEDBI ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Tako imenovane ptice so tri, vokalistka Patricija Škof, saksofonist Tibor Pernarčič in kitarist Tilen Beigot. Začetnemu duetu Patricije in Tilna, ki deluje od leta 2018 in se je že predstavil na nekaterih poletnih festivalih, kot so Festival LENT, Letni Oder Ruše in Poletje na Poštni, se je nedavno pridružil Tibor. Zasedba se žanrsko ne želi omejevati, kot je že razvidno iz imena, vendar je njihov glavni navdih za ustvarjanje jazz, avantgard, etno in soul glasba. Njihov skupni cilj je predvsem najti svoj izraz, povedati svojo zgodbo ter biti čimbolj svoboden v skupnem ustvarjanju.
// ABOUT THE BAND //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
There are three so-called birds, the vocalist Patricija Škof, saxophonist Tibor Pernarčič and guitarist Tilen Beigot. Tibor recently joined the initial duo of Patricija and Tilen, which has been active since 2018 and has already performed at some summer music festivals, such as Festival LENT, Letni Oder Ruše and Poletje na Poštni. The band don’t wish to limit themselves with genres, as is visible from their name; however, their main musical inspiration is jazz, avant-garde, ethno and soul music. Their common goal is to find their own expression, to tell a story and to be as free as possible in their music making.
Counting days
// Besedilo // Lyrics // Žiga Smrdel
// Skladba // Music //
Maša But (vokal/vocals)
Peter Smrdel (bas/bass)
Filip Vadnu (kitara/guitar)
Žiga Smrdel (bobni/drums)
Anže Vrabec (klaviature/keys)
Nejc Škofic (klaviature/keys)
Matic Mikola (saksofon/saxophone)
Grega Skaza (saksofon/saxophone)
Sandi Štor (trobenta/trumpet)
“Ko bo vsa nacija tako wicked kot Wckd nation, se nam ne bo česa bati. Kolektiv, ki je dodobra prevetril slovensko sceno postavlja močna sporočila na navidez breztežno glasbeno reko po kateri bo z nasmeškom plul še tako prekaljen mornar. ”
“If a whole nation were as wicked as Wckd nation, we have nothing to be afraid of. The faded scent got a new breeze with this collective as powerful messages ride a weightless musical river that really seems to spring from within.”
// O ZASEDBI ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Wckd nation je skupnost glasbenikov iz Ljubljane, ki raziskuje nove oblike in zvoke džez-popa.
Skupina je jeseni 2018 izdala prvenca Time in Troubles, ki sta bila hitro opažena s strani vodilnih slovenskih radijskih postaj. Po prvih uspešnih koncertih v Sloveniji je zasedba izdala svoj tretji singel New Path in marca 2019 zaključila prvo mednarodno turnejo na Baltiku, kjer je med drugim nastopila na enem glavnih odrov showcase festivala Tallinn Music Week. Preostanek leta 2019 je skupina nadaljevala z gostovanji po Sloveniji, vključno z nastopom na festivalu Lent, koncertom, ki ga je posnela Radiotelevizija Slovenija, in živimi (radijskimi) nastopi po vsej državi. Novembra 2019 so Wckd nation izdali svoj četrti singel The Swan King, ki se je v trenutku povzpel na lestvico petih najbolj predvajanih skladb v decembru na slovenski javni radijski postaji Val 202 in pomagal imenovati Wckd nation za eno najbolj zanimivih slovenskih skupin na spletnem portalu 24ur.com. Leto 2020 so začeli z novim singlom AIRPLANE BLONDE in nastopili na festivalu Ment Ljubljana.
// ABOUT THE BAND //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Wckd nation is a community of musicians from Ljubljana, Slovenia, that explores new shapes and sounds of jazz-pop.
In autumn 2018, they released their debut singles Time and Troubles, which were quickly picked up by some of the leading Slovenian radio stations. After selling out headlining shows at home, the band released their third single, New Path, and completed their first international tour in the Baltics in March 2019, including a main stage performance at Tallinn Music Week. Throughout the rest of 2019, the band continued to tour in Slovenia, including a show at Festival Lent, a concert filmed by the Slovenian national broadcaster, and radio sessions across the country. In November 2019, Wckd nation released their fourth single, The Swan King, which peaked in the Top 5 most played songs on radio station Val 202. To kick off 2020, the band has released a new single, AIRPLANE BLONDE and performed at the MENT international showcase festival in Ljubljana.
Glasbeni producent, Mix in Mastering / Music producer, mix and mastering: Vid Turica
Izdelava gramofonske plošče / Production of the gramophone record: Marko Lük
Kreativa / Creative: Miha Škerget
Video: Tomaž Praunseis, Peter Kopše Pišec, Miha Škerget in vsi sodelujoči ustvarjalci
Odnosi z javnostmi / Public relations: Žan Lebe
Družbena omrežja / Social media: Žan Lebe, Petra Čeh
Teksti / Texts: Nejc Birsa
Lektura in prevodi / Proofreading and translation: Katja Bobek in Nejc Birsa
Koncept, organizacija / Concept, organisation: Željko Milovanović
Založnik / Publisher: Mladinski kulturni center Maribor
Odgovorna oseba založbe / For the publishing house: Marja Guček
Partnerji / Partners: MID Glas podzemlja; ehrana.si; Društvo Ljudmila, laboratorij za znanost in umetnost; Narodni dom Maribor; JP - Jaganath produkcija, Streamarnica, Radio MARŠ.
Podpora / Support: Mestna občina Maribor / Municipality of Maribor